Create token and inform external systems

User can configure the CreateTokenAndInformExternalSystem converter step in the link converter file attached to the external system.

The converter step has following settings - AuthTokenOriginKey: The origin key of the auth token - AutomationParent: The origin key of the automation task - Role: Application role of the token - ExternalSystemKey: External system origin key that should be informed. Use [Id] - TokenName: Name of token


      <!--Sends an authTokenCreated event to x.Reach-->
      <Settings Implementation="CreateTokenAndInformExternalSystem">
        <Setting Name="AuthTokenOriginKey" Value="7C556DA0-18A8-425E-9FAE-AA11704A9B3A" />
        <Setting Name="AutomationParent" Value="771799E7-04F5-4532-B5FC-81375E994BB0" />
        <Setting Name="Role" Value="Administrator" />
        <Setting Name="ExternalSystemKey" Value="[Id]" />
        <Setting Name="TokenName" Value="ExternalSystemToken-[AT_ID]" />

Upon execution of the converter step a cloud event will be sent to the external system:

    "cloudEventsVersion": "0.1",
    "contentType": "application/json",
    "data": {
        "authorizationToken": {
            "id": "7C556DA0-18A8-425E-9FAE-AA11704A9B3A",
            "type": "authToken",
            "attributes": {
                "id": {
                    "127": "y0ag79uzmwbnt85cgg6yr8t2c0"
                "roleAdministrator": {
                    "127": true
                "roleAnalyzer": {
                    "127": true
                "roleApprover": {
                    "127": true
                "roleArchitect": {
                    "127": true
                "roleEditor": {
                    "127": true
                "roleInactive": {
                    "127": false
                "roleViewer": {
                    "127": true
                "validFrom": {
                    "127": "2018-08-10T00:00:00"
                "validUntil": {
                    "127": "2018-11-08T00:00:00"
        "externalSystem": {
            "id": "15d2ccad-d919-4596-8d79-3d4d2347f725",
            "attributes": {
                "id": {
                    "127": "ExternalSystem"
        "storage": {
            "id": "e363e8a1-8932-41d6-a927-84656858e79a",
            "type": "storage",
            "attributes": {
                "id": {
                    "127": "Storage"
                "name": {
                    "1031": "Storage",
                    "1033": "Storage"
    "eventID": "t30uksxkh6n4zaew1fm8wmkus6",
    "eventTime": "2018-08-10T08:50:13.0959963Z",
    "eventType": "systemTokenCreated",
    "eventTypeVersion": "1807.1.0.2018-07-25T11:42:13.89004d2c250263b9f4aa0c2ca851a9705aafa032 (Updated on: 18/08/10 10:37:10)",
    "source": "https://symbio-dev/StorageCollection/Storage/_api/"