The Unique ID service provides HTTP endpoints to get an unique identifier for a given request id. The request id is in form of a GUID
and in case of Symbio the request id is corresponding to the origin key of the entity.
In Background the service use a database to generate unique identifier in a given number range. The number range is a format to generate the unique identifier string. For each number range a database table will be generated in the form of:
ID | RequestID |
1 | 12f2fe40-cff2-4425-b0ae-ffe604fc2d26 |
2 | 4a70fded-e658-4e7a-87d4-10a677a71840 |
3 | 0bd1f281-0343-4089-96d7-a7dbf2d8ea42 |
The name of the table depends on the given subscriber identifier and the format of the number range.
The following diagram shows the procedure of generated unique identifier for a selected proxy in Symbio.