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Element information get

api-version: 1.0

Retrieves information for a specific element.

GET /{collectionId}/{storageId}/_api/rest/facets/{facetId}/views/{viewId}/elements/{elementId}/info


Name In Required Type Description
collectionId path true string The ID of the storage collection.
storageId path true string The ID of the tenant.
facetId path true string The name of the facet.
viewId path true string The name of the view.
elementId path true string The ID of the element.


Success 200

Name Type Description
count integer The number of returned values.
values ElementInfo[] The list of element information.

Error 4xx

Name Type Description
message string The error message
output OperationResultOutput The result output.
type OperationResultType The result type.
data OperationError The list of errors.


Get the element information



Response (200 OK)

    "count": 1,
    "values": [
            "elementTypeName": "SubProcessDiagram",
            "entityIds": [
            "entityTypeName": "MTX_SUB_PROCESS",
            "facetTypeName": "Processes",
            "facetViewKey": "PersonalizedDiagram",
            "hasDiagram": true,
            "hasEditPermission": true,
            "id": "f4f3943d-6b3b-42a9-8a3a-30acf42ce7d5",
            "insertableDynamicTypes": {},
            "isCurrentCopyable": false,
            "isCurrentInsertable": true,
            "isCurrentMovable": true,
            "isCurrentRemovable": true,
            "isReadOnly": false,
            "isReadOnlyCollection": false,
            "name": "Idea/Innovation",
            "permissions": [
            "readOnlyCollectionContext": "None",
            "readOnlyContext": "None",
            "rootPath": [
            "shapeId": "f4f3943d-6b3b-42a9-8a3a-30acf42ce7d5",
            "typeColor": "#007ACC",
            "uid": "_f4f3943d-6b3b-42a9-8a3a-30acf42ce7d5"



Name Type Description
id string The ID of the element.
elementTypeName string The name of the element type.
entityIds string[] All identifier of mapped entities and shapes.
hasDiagram bool Gets a value indicating whether this instance has a diagram.
hasEditPermission bool Gets a value indicating whether this element has edit permission.
insertableDynamicTypes string[] Gets the dynamic insertable types, i.e., the types that depend on the current element.
isCurrentCopyable bool Gets a value indicating whether this element is copyable.
isCurrentInsertable bool Gets a value indicating new elements can be inserted on this element.
isCurrentMovable bool Gets a value indicating whether this instance is current movable.
isCurrentRemovable bool Gets a value indicating whether this instance is removable.
isReadOnly bool Gets a value indicating whether this element is read only.
isReadOnlyCollection bool Gets a value indicating whether the collection in this element is read only.
name string The name of the element.
readOnlyCollectionContext None | Diagram | Architect | All | NotCurrentUser | Never Gets the read only collection context.
readOnlyContext None | Diagram | Architect | All | NotCurrentUser | Never Gets the read only context.
rootPath string[] Gets the root path.
shapeId string Gets the shape identifier.
typeColor string Gets the color of the type.
uid string Gets an unique identifier based on parent element, e.g. "_[id]" for a flat view or "[parent_id]_[id]" for a hierarchical view.


Name Type
volatile string
permanent string
dialog string
inline string


Name Type
critical string
error string
warning string
success string
unauthorized string


Name Type Description
error string The error message.